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"Sagi To Yuki" by Kaoru Kitamura is a poignant novel that explores the intricacies of human emotions and relationships through the lives of its characters. Set in Japan, the story revolves around themes of deception, betrayal, and forgiveness. Kitamura's narrative skillfully navigates the complexities of familial bonds and the consequences of past actions, offering readers a profound reflection on the nature of trust and redemption. Through vivid characterization and subtle storytelling, "Sagi To Yuki" invites readers to contemplate the enduring power of love and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.


Very Good condition. Book is Japanese. 

鷺と雪 Sagi To Yuki by Kaoru Kitamura 2009 HCDJ in Japanese

SKU: 000000877
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