"The Unschooled Wizard" by Barbara Hambly is a fantasy novel that follows the journey of a young wizard named Antryg Windrose. Antryg, imprisoned for allegedly summoning demons, is released by a scholar named Joanna Sheraton to help her unravel a dangerous magical conspiracy. Together, they navigate a world of political intrigue, dark magic, and ancient prophecies. As they confront powerful enemies and uncover long-hidden secrets, Antryg and Joanna form an unlikely alliance that challenges their beliefs and forces them to confront their own destinies. Hambly's novel is a compelling blend of adventure, mystery, and magic, exploring themes of redemption, trust, and the transformative power of knowledge.
Very Good condition.
The Unschooled Wizard by Barbara Hambly HCDJ 1987
SKU: 000000850
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