The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin (1974) is a landmark work of science fiction that explores themes of political ideology, freedom, and societal structures. Set on the twin planets of Urras and Anarres, the novel follows Shevek, a brilliant physicist, as he grapples with the philosophical and practical implications of living in a society that values collectivism over individualism. Through Shevek’s journey, Le Guin examines the nature of utopia, the role of revolution, and the sacrifices made for scientific progress and human connection. This thought-provoking narrative is considered one of Le Guin's finest works, blending deep intellectual inquiry with compelling storytelling.
This Book Club Edition is in good condition for its age. The dust jacket shows some fading to the spine, and there is a previous owner's mark on the front end page. There is some light toning to the end pages, but the text and maps remain bright and unmarked. Despite these minor imperfections, the book is well-preserved and remains an attractive copy for any fan or collector of classic science fiction.
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SKU: 000001052
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