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Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card is a deeply moving sequel to the acclaimed Ender's Game, blending science fiction with profound philosophical themes. The story follows Ender Wiggin years after the events of the first book as he takes on the role of a Speaker for the Dead, unraveling the mysteries of an alien species and confronting humanity’s past misdeeds. Rich with moral complexity and emotional depth, this Author's Definitive Edition offers a unique perspective on forgiveness, redemption, and the search for understanding in a diverse galaxy. A must-read for fans of thoughtful and thought-provoking science fiction.


This softcover edition is in good condition, showing wear and toning consistent with its age. Despite these signs of use, the book remains intact and perfectly readable, making it an excellent addition to any science fiction collection.

Speaker For The Dead: Author's Definitive Edition by Orson Scott Card, 1992.

SKU: 000000088
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