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"Obatarian" by Katsuhiko Hotta is a humorous and heartwarming novel that follows the adventures of Yoshiko Obata, a spirited elderly woman who defies societal expectations of aging. Set in modern-day Japan, Yoshiko, nicknamed "Obatarian" (a combination of "Obaasan," meaning grandmother, and "Tairan," meaning troublemaker), embraces life with youthful enthusiasm and unconventional antics. From meddling in her family's affairs to embarking on unexpected escapades, Obatarian challenges stereotypes of older adults while navigating the joys and complexities of family dynamics and personal growth. Hotta's portrayal of Obatarian is both endearing and empowering, celebrating the vitality and resilience found in individuals of all ages.


Very good condition, more pictures available upon request.

Obatalian Vol 1,2,3,5 by Katsuhiko Hotta (Japan Import), 1990

SKU: 000000869
Excluding Sales Tax
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