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Myth Adventures by Robert Lynn Asprin is a comedic fantasy novel first published in 1984. Among the many beloved fantasy books, this story follows Skeeve, a young magician's apprentice who finds himself suddenly thrust into a world of adventure after his mentor, Garkin, is killed by an assassin. In a desperate attempt to save himself, Skeeve inadvertently summons a demon named Aahz, who turns out to be a scaly, green Pervect from another dimension.


Aahz, who has lost his magical powers due to a prank by Garkin, decides to mentor Skeeve in the ways of magic and survival. Together, they embark on a series of adventures across different dimensions, encountering a variety of quirky characters and humorous situations. The novel combines elements of traditional fantasy with a light-hearted and satirical tone, making it a unique and entertaining read among fantasy books.

Myth Adventures by Robert Lynn Asprin, 1984

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