"Genya" is a novel by Keigo Higashino, published in 2004. The story revolves around a brilliant yet socially awkward physicist named Manabu Yukawa, who is also known as Detective Galileo in Higashino's other works. When a renowned physicist named Genya Saiki is found dead under mysterious circumstances, Yukawa becomes entangled in the investigation. As he delves deeper into the case, Yukawa uncovers hidden motives, intricate relationships, and secrets that challenge his intellect and beliefs. "Genya" combines elements of mystery, science, and human drama, offering readers a compelling narrative that explores the complexities of human nature and the pursuit of truth.
Book is in like new condition with minor wear to dust jacket edges
Genya (幻夜) by Keigo Higashino 2004 HCDJ
SKU: 000000875
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