This Dear America box set, published by Scholastic, offers four captivating historical fiction novels told through the personal diaries of young girls experiencing pivotal moments in history. One Eye Laughing, The Other Weeping explores the life of Jules Weiss as she navigates life during the rise of Nazism. Color Me Dark follows Nellie Lee Love's journey during the Great Migration North, capturing the struggles and triumphs of an African American family seeking a better future. A Coal Miner's Bride tells the story of Anetka Kaminska, a young Polish immigrant in early 20th-century America, and My Secret War reveals the challenges of Madeline Beck as she grows up on the home front during World War II. Together, these books weave heartfelt tales of resilience, courage, and the human spirit.
Titles in this set:
- One Eye Laughing, The Other Weeping: The Diary of Jules Weiss. 1938.
- Color Me Dark: The Diary of Nellie Lee Love, The Great Migration North. 1919.
- A Coal Miner's Bride: The Diary of Anetka Kaminska. 1896.
- My Secret War: The World War II Diary of Madeline Beck. 1941.
The box set is in Like New condition, appearing unread. Each hardcover book and the box show minimal signs of handling, making this set an excellent addition for collectors or young readers eager to explore historical perspectives.