Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs is an intense forensic thriller that follows Dr. Temperance Brennan as she leads a student excavation on a South Carolina beach, only to stumble upon a fresh skeleton hidden among ancient remains. As Brennan investigates, she uncovers a dark web of intrigue involving missing persons, secretive corporations, and dangerous secrets buried deep beneath the surface. With her life on the line, Brennan must unravel the mystery before more lives are lost.
This 2006 First Edition, First Printing is in Very Good condition. The dust jacket is clean and intact, with only light shelf wear. The pages are crisp and unmarked, and the binding is strong. A great addition for fans of Reichs and forensic crime fiction.
Break No Bones by Kathy Reichs, 2006. First Edition, First Printing.
SKU: 000001017
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