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"2010: Odyssey Two" by Arthur C. Clarke is a science fiction novel and sequel to Clarke's iconic "2001: A Space Odyssey." Set nine years after the mysterious events of the first novel, "2010" follows a joint Soviet-American mission to Jupiter to investigate the failed Discovery mission from "2001." Dr. Heywood Floyd, a central character from the first novel, returns as part of the expedition. As the mission unfolds, they uncover startling truths about the monoliths, encounter unexpected dangers, and grapple with the implications of contact with an advanced alien intelligence. Clarke's novel explores themes of exploration, evolution, and the potential for humanity's transformation in the face of the unknown.


"2061: Odyssey Three" by Arthur C. Clarke continues the saga begun in "2001: A Space Odyssey" and further developed in "2010: Odyssey Two." Set fifty-one years after the events of "2001," the novel follows Dr. Heywood Floyd once again as he embarks on a mission to Halley's Comet, which has been targeted for exploration and colonization. Alongside a diverse crew, including a sentient AI named R. J. Floyd, they encounter unexpected phenomena and revelations that challenge their understanding of the universe and humanity's place within it. Clarke's novel delves into themes of discovery, the evolution of consciousness, and the profound implications of encountering extraterrestrial intelligence.


Acceptable condition, 2010 cover has a crease across top right.

2010 PB 1982 & 2061 HCDJ 1988 by Arthur C. Clarke

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